Top 5 Shopify Wishlist Apps for 2024: Elevating Customer Engagement and Conversion

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In the bustling world of eCommerce, Shopify has become a go-to platform for merchants to establish and expand their online businesses effortlessly. Among the array of tools available, the wishlist feature stands out as a key driver for sales and customer loyalty. Today, we'll explore the essence of Shopify wishlist apps, their importance in enhancing your online store, and our handpicked selection of the top 5 wishlist apps for 2024.

What is a shopify wishlist app?

A Shopify wishlist app is a tool designed to seamlessly integrate wishlist functionality into your online store. It allows customers to save products they like for future reference or purchase, acting as a virtual shopping companion. With a user-friendly interface, shoppers can easily add or remove items, organise their selections, and even share their wishlists with others.


  • Enhanced User Experience: Over 60% of consumers prefer platforms with a wishlist feature for a smoother shopping journey.
  • Increased Engagement and Conversion: Wishlists serve as valuable indicators of customer intent, with over 70% of shoppers utilising wishlists during their buying process.
  • Reduced Cart Abandonment: Incorporating a wishlist option can help mitigate cart abandonment rates, with almost 30% of abandoned carts being recovered through wishlists.
  • Customer Retention and Loyalty: Shoppers who engage with wishlists are twice as likely to return to your store and make a purchase, fostering lasting relationships and brand advocacy.
  • Competitive Advantage: Offering features like wishlists differentiates your store, demonstrating a commitment to customer convenience and a seamless shopping experience.

Now, let's explore our top 5 picks for Shopify wishlist apps in 2024, carefully selected by our team at 8th Dial, your trusted eCommerce web design, and digital marketing agency.

1. Wishlist Plus by Swym 

Wishlist Plus by Swym takes the top spot on our list for its comprehensive feature set, seamless integration, and user-friendly interface. With Wishlist Plus, customers can effortlessly create, manage, and share wishlists across multiple devices. Real-time notifications, personalised email campaigns, and advanced analytics empower merchants to engage customers at every touchpoint and drive conversions effectively.

Best Features: Real-time notifications, personalised email campaigns, advanced analytics.

Pricing: Paid app with tiered pricing options.

Ease of Use: Intuitive interface with easy setup and customisation.

2. Advanced Wishlist by HulkApps

Advanced Wishlist by HulkApps secures its place as a top choice for Shopify merchants seeking a balance of affordability and functionality. This versatile app offers essential wishlist features along with dynamic pricing alerts and social sharing capabilities. With customisable styling options, merchants can align the wishlist seamlessly with their brand aesthetics, boosting engagement without breaking the bank.

Best Features: Dynamic pricing alerts, social sharing capabilities, customisable styling.

Pricing: Both free and paid versions available.

Ease of Use: User-friendly setup with flexible customisation options.

3. Wishlist Hero

Wishlist Hero stands out for its innovative features and intuitive design, making it a standout choice for Shopify merchants. This app prioritises simplicity without compromising on essential wishlist functionalities, ensuring a seamless shopping journey for customers. With Wishlist Hero, merchants can easily integrate wishlist functionality into their stores and provide users with a hassle-free experience. Additionally, Wishlist Hero offers robust analytics tools to gain valuable insights into customer behaviour, facilitating targeted marketing efforts and product recommendations for improved conversion rates.

Best Features: Innovative features, intuitive design, robust analytics tools.

Pricing: Competitive pricing with flexible plans.

Ease of Use: Simple setup process and user-friendly interface for seamless integration.

4. Wishlist King

Wishlist King distinguishes itself with its user-friendly interface, lightning-fast performance, and seamless email marketing integration. This straightforward app simplifies the wishlist creation process, allowing customers to add desired items to their lists with just a single click. With seamless integration with popular email marketing platforms, merchants can leverage wishlists for personalised outreach and remarketing campaigns.

Best Features: User-friendly interface, lightning-fast performance, seamless email marketing integration.

Pricing: Paid app with competitive pricing plans.

Ease of Use: Simple setup process with seamless integration.

5. iWish Wishlist

iWish Wishlist Shopify App emerges as an indispensable tool for Shopify merchants seeking to enhance their customer engagement strategies. Beyond its core wishlist feature, iWish provides a dynamic array of functionalities geared towards fostering customer loyalty and amplifying brand advocacy. Through seamless integration with Shopify, iWish empowers merchants to curate personalised shopping experiences that resonate with their audience, ultimately driving sustained growth and brand affinity.

Best Features: Robust wishlist functionality complemented by tools for enhancing customer loyalty and advocacy.

Pricing: iWish is a paid app with flexible pricing tiers tailored to meet diverse merchant needs.

Ease of Use: While iWish offers a comprehensive feature set, its user-friendly interface ensures a smooth onboarding process, allowing merchants to quickly leverage its full potential.

Each of these Shopify wishlist apps offers unique strengths and capabilities, catering to a diverse range of merchant needs and preferences. Whether you prioritise advanced features, affordability, simplicity, or comprehensive solutions, these top 5 apps empower you to enhance customer engagement, drive conversions, and build lasting relationships with your audience in 2024 and beyond.

At 8th Dial, we're dedicated to optimising your Shopify store for maximum performance and customer engagement. From seamless wishlist integrations to comprehensive digital marketing strategies, our team is here to elevate your eCommerce journey. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you leverage wishlist apps and other innovative solutions to achieve your eCommerce goals.

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